Mostly Printed CNC (MPCNC) Review: Everything You Need To Know

MPCNC is a very different type of CNC kit and also among the desktop CNC routers. It’s produced by V1 Engineering and they have made the MPCNC as a treat to those who love DIY routers since there are a lot of different customisation options that you can opt for. Also known as the Mostly Printed CNC, it is better to get a brief understanding of the technology applied to it.

So, what is this CNC machine and how does it work?

Mostly Printed CNC

Most printed CNC machines are just the names that define the category of all of these particular machines. 

Pertaining to their working, in general, CNC machines are controlled by the Arduino controller. This controller makes it handy and versatile for the user to control the machine.

Most of such CNC machines are associated with the Arduino board for efficient and quicker functioning. However, other software programmings including Java, Pie, Raspberry, etc. can be utilised to control the Computer Numerical Control machines.  

Well, it is very important to know how the work is established by them. But, it is also equally important to know about each of the parts of this overall machine structure. 


CNC machines are versatile in application as anyone with CNC knowledge can use them very efficiently with lots of variances in their work. Let’s discuss the structure and build of the mpcnc.

The Build

By the name, you can easily spot that the frame of the printing part is made with chute frames and another type of hardware. The whole building weighs about 1.5. To 1.8 kg depending on the material that is used. 

Mostly Printed CNC Review

In general, the conduit materials are used to make the machine body lighter. But, at the same time, it is also necessary to maintain the robustness of mpcnc so that it can bear the motor weight to be attached.

Conduit materials are one of the topmost used materials in engineering projects. Well, not only in engineering projects, but it is also used in professional sectors. 

It is very much hard compared to another type of material made with plastics or aluminum. At the same time, this material is hollow from the inside so that it also becomes lighter in weight. 

So, all the necessities get fulfilled with this material. That is the reason it is used to build CNC machines. As per V1 Engineering, they have been using the marlin firmware for all the cnc control boards. 

Now, there are simple steps to assemble the mostly printed CNC machine. First of all, it is very much necessary to build the base or the body of the material. So, the conduit materials are cut in the form of several centimeters. Then those are connected with each other in a sequential way.  

After completion of the basic structure,  the stepper motor is connected with the movable hand in the machine. 

Next, the stepper motor has a different kind of system. It has different models based on the power it absorbs. 

Like, if a CNC machine is only used for 3D printing then it requires a very low voltage. Else, if it is going to run something heavier, then it requires more voltage. So, these are some added factors that need consideration while using the printed CNC machine.

Well, one thing is mentionable here that whenever one is going to buy some MPCNC machine, it differs with the name and size of the tube materials. So, always make sure about the type of material that you need. 

Mostly Printed CNC

1V engineering always recommends smaller parts to use during the making of complicated areas. Though a CNC machine does not have more of a complicated area, still there are some. That is the reason it is recommended. 

The surface area of the MPCNC is as large as 1x1m. It means the recommended build has to be 2×2 ft with height of 0.6×0.6 m. Now there is one axis still present. That is the Z-axis. Now it depends on the motive that is going to occur. 

It means whether the MPCNC is going to be used for a 3D printing purpose or it is going to be used for the mill or somewhere else. But the height still has a very bare boundary. It goes up to 1m from the origin mostly. The higher the height the more area it will take to balance.

The Capabilities

Well, capabilities are more than one can think. There are so many things that one can do with the MPCNC machine. But for now, it is only used in some of the cases professionally. What are they? 

The 3D Printer

3D printer, it is a very new concept according to the year of its invention. Basically, it uses some solid colors as the printing inks. These inks are  generally made with some sophisticated material that becomes dry as soon as they come in contact with the air. 

So, a 3D printer is basically a way that spreads the ink on a layer on a later basis and makes a structure that is instructed by the computer. This is where the need for the MPCNC functioning steps in.

MPCNC Review

What function? During printing it is very much necessary to have a height combination as well as an XY axis combination. When the printer is going to move and prompt, all these points are necessary to consider. These things are very much important to control previously. So, this is how the mpcnc works. 

The stepper motors are connected through the arms of the printer. These arms move according to the hinges that are connected through it. The stepper motors are mainly connected through a circuitry, where it takes the information through the G-code or other codes, then it acts as per the instructions. 

This procedure goes with only the 3D printing process. So, the overall view of a 3D printing machine is that it is an MPCNC machine with a separate movable arm that helps to move around an area depending on the diameters. Then it prints the required things as per the specifications.

A Brief on the Mill

Mostly printed CNC- Detailed Review

The mill is a different usage of the MPCNC machine. Here, the MPCNC machine basically uses the same way to control the arms and the other parts of the machine. 

Then what is the main difference? Well, the main difference is basically the task that one wants to achieve with this system. Most parts of the equipment are the same. 

The difference comes with the motor that is used to have the potential to cut woods or some other materials with different algorithms and different styles as  per the instructions.

Here, the base of the milling machine, which is an MPCNC machine, is very hard compared to the 3D printing CNC. 

Because cutting anything uses a lot more torque comparative and that also creates a lot of pressure and force on the base. So, it is very necessary to have a stronger base. That is the reason that the minimum base of 2×2 m is required to do the above mentioned tasks.

Well, comparatively it also weighs less because it uses the same material of higher density. For your information, a 4 dollar motor and 6 roller hinges can give you the output in case of project purpose experiments.

Know about the Plasma Cutter

Plasma cutter MPCNC

The plasma cutter is also an excellent implementation of the MPCNC. It is basically the highest weighty CNC machine within all of this. Its base is comparatively small. 

It is because it does not need more place to set up. But, as mentioned above, the base size depends upon the user requirement and task.  

One can easily make a larger base if he or she wants so. Note that the plasma cutter weighs comparatively more  because of the module. 

The plasma ray generator itself is a heavy module. That is the reason it weighs more. The rest of the functions are more or less the same. 

Here also the stepper motors are used. So, overall it can be very good for the users who have the necessity to cut something with plasma at lower cost.

Equipment Availability

This is a very interesting segment of this article. Most of the students and the organization do not want to invest in a ready-made module. They want to buy the modules separately and configure them as per their requirements. 

So, there comes the question: what about the availability of the modules? In simple words, the modules are readily available on the web market as well as in the offline stores on a large amount. 

The technology and the engineering components are developing and growing side by side. So, all the equipment are easily available. 

Anyone who is trying to buy the equipment can purchase them with a little research.

Comparison Between Mostly Printed CNC and X-Carve

X-carve is an advanced version of the CNC machine. So it is very much obvious that it has some basic differences compared with the normal MPCNC. So let’s check out what they are:

  • Normal MPCNC is not customizable but X-carve is customizable. One who has a deep knowledge of how to use a CNC machine  can customize it easily.
  • Well, normal CNC does not have a dust collector. Those are comparatively cheaper. But, in the case of X-carve, it comes with the dust collector.
  • CNC machines normally take less time to install whereas the X-carve takes a little longer to install due to its add-ons.
  • Mostly printed CNC machines are a little cheaper as  they do not have the facility to use add ons. However, at the same time, X-carve supports adding one from the preliminary stage of installation.
  • Both works in the same way just differ with the setup process.
  • The main purpose of the X-carve is very clear it is small in size and made for small business minded. 
  • It is developed with a simple aluminum body with hollow spacing that gives a very strong holding on the base though its area of usage is low.
  • It is available in different sizes like 500 mm, 750 mm, 1000 mm. 
  • The different sizes are also available for the most printed CNC machines. 
  • The MPCNC machines also have a stronger hold. But, it  is normally used in businesses with higher investments and wider mindsets. It can be made with different kinds of equipment and it is easy to assemble. 
  • Whereas, X-carve is a very compact device. Not very smooth for repairing purposes and takes much time in comparison to MPCNC machines.
  • Due to companies’ warranty service, it is very much easy to repair within the warranty period, when the device gets damaged somehow. So, X-carve has the benefit of that. 
  • CNC machines have the same benefits, but manually assembled ones lack that facility. So, it is somehow lagging behind the curve. 


As mentioned above, the CNC machines have become widely available today, with a range of varieties. So, it is quite necessary to grab brief details about a machine like MPCNC M3 before buying. 

The most challenging job is to buy the perfect CNC machine out of the many. For the milling purpose and for harder CNC, it is very much recommended to use the milling CNC machines. 

For the 3D printing purpose, it is recommended to use the 3D printer. For other additional purposes, it is available to use the freehanded version or the X-carve, which has add-ons, so one can easily do multiple works with this. 

So, depending on your respective purpose, you must go for that particular MPCNC which meets your requirements.

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4 thoughts on “Mostly Printed CNC (MPCNC) Review: Everything You Need To Know”

  1. I’m writing to ask how I can purchase gcode to print my own part or an m CNC mp cnc machine
    or what the price is for purchasing just the plastic pieces thank you

    • Hey Jim

      If you are totally new to G-code then you can have a look at

      To purchase G-code, you need to be first clear about the part that you wish to make. So if you were to make a cabinet then you can simply google for Cabinet G-code, you will get many free and paid G-code Files. For paid specially, visit etsy website.

      The price of purchasing plastic pieces should range within $10-$50 range.


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